Top Tier Brokers is a website created by a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the real estate industry. The goal of this website is to keep an up to date list of the major real estate brokers and rank them according to their reliability. By doing this, we can help property owners and potential buyers to identify the good brokers from those with a suspicious reputation.
This website is operated by Claudiu Cuciureanu from the Dominican Republic.
The information on this website does not represent any investment advice and we are not liable for any loss that one may incur by working with companies that are presented on our website.
While we do our best to identify the good brokers form the bad ones, things can change over time and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. This means that even our best research can not guarantee that the brokers ranked as Tier 1 will always provide the high standards of service they offered in the past.
We hope that the information on our website will prove useful to you.
This website does not collect individual information from our visitors. We however use a third party traffic analytics service from Statcounter that gives us generalistic information such as countries, browsers or operating systems of our visitors. We will never share this information with third parties, and we use it solely for improving our website by knowing more about our visitors.
Please also note that some of the brokers we link to on our website may use tracking cookies. Please refer to each individual website's privacy policy for further information.
This website is free to use and has no restricted content.
By using the information on this website you aknowledge that we are not liable for any potential loss and we cannot guarantee that the information is accurate and correct.